
La Colina is 35,000 square metres of protected tropical jungle in the state of Nayarit, Mexico. We’re located 3 km from the pacific ocean, just outside a small (2,000 resident) village called San Pancho (It’s official name is San Francisco, so that’s what to look for on the map.)

La Colina is a wild place, with wild animals, rough roads and even rougher accommodation. It is not a place for people who need luxury – it might be one day, but right now it’s a ramshackle work in progress with composting toilets and no guarantee of walls on your bedroom… Or even a bed… Maybe a hammock and a mosquito net? It’s very hot, and we do not have air conditioning.

We do not offer free accommodation to volunteers unless selected for a specific opportunity, which will be included in the list below. For general volunteers we invite you to book into one of our cabañas for a week at a discounted rate of $3000 pesos (subject to availability, not available during holidays). During that week working together we can get to know each other, your skills, and explore the synergies that come up. Use the contact form below to tell us which week(s) you are interested in.

We welcome you to La Colina on a radically self reliant basis. Please plan to feed yourselves and remember that we are protectors of this very special piece of jungle. Leave no trace. We love art and want to encourage creativity, but please agree with us any art that you want to leave at La Colina.


There are currently no specific jobs listed, please keep checking back for updates

You may also want to check for opportunities at other local permaculture/organic farms including Hoja de Pluma and Granja el Paraiso

Still interested in spending some time volunteering at La Colina? Great! Let us know by filling your details below and we’ll be in touch ASAP.  (Please allow for the slowness of jungle internet.)

[contact-form to=”admin@lacolinaproject.com” subject=”Contact from Website – Volunteer”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]